I do not have any gut health issues. Do I need to take a test?
Digestive system affects almost all your body. Problems in this organ may present in different ways in different people. If there are other illnesses in you that the clinicians are scratching their heads not knowing why you are not getting better, then it may worth checking your gut.
How digestive system can cause other illnesses?
Whatever nutrients you eat will have to pass through your digestive system i.e. gut. If there is SIBO in you, it can lead to damage to the lining of your bowels plus the huge number of bacteria living in you will compete with your own body to get the nutrients. They are usually the winners in this war because they are closer to the food than you are.
You can now understand how SIBO may start with just belching and diarrhoea, but it can lead to: Iron deficiency and anaemia, low calcium levels affecting your bones, lack of vitamin K leading to bruises, severe bleeding in injuries and menstruation and periods. Lack of vitamin B12 and other vitamin B group leading to significant tiredness, lack of energy and poor mood.
Which illnesses can originate from my gut?
Headaches due to anaemia, acnea and other skin conditions, joint pain weak and bristle bones due to low calcium and vitamin D, frequent infections due to lack of immunity, lack of immunity due to lack of Vitamin D and anaemia, depression, anxiety, … literally, any illness than can originate from not having enough nutrients body or if there is a famine.
How do I know which test is right for me?
We suggest you book a consultation with our clinician expert in HMBTs to discuss this. Alternatively, it is very helpful to get your private or NHS doctor’s opinion. As a last resort, you can read more about each test by clicking through their page. This includes details on which symptoms are most relevant for each test. However, there is often a huge overlap in the symptoms in different conditions and there is no specific symptom for each condition. You would not need a test if symptom would be so specific anyway.
Even when your symptoms triggered by dairy product, there is no guarantee that the symptoms are not actually due to SIBO which starts fermenting lactose in dairy product before having chance to be absorbed by your body. According to the internationally accepted HMBT guidelines, anybody considering lactose or fructose malabsorption test, must first test for SIBO. SIBO is far easier to treat and do not require a life-long avoidance of nutrients with huge side effects.
Do you ship outside the UK?
We often ship to both UK and international addresses. Delivery charge will be different and for international delivery, there will be an additional fee according to the courier companies’ fees. If you have a special request, feel free to get in touch.
Do I need to stop taking supplements or medications before taking a test?
You must not stop medications in order to take a test. Speak to your doctor first. Some tests require you to stop taking supplements for a few days. To find out more, you can download the relevant instructions on the individual test pages.
How will I know what my results mean?
You will receive a copy of your test results and if you would prefer your clinician too. Details are clear and jargon-free though a clinician is in best place to assist you with the management plans. Our practitioners also review all results, providing personalised recommendations reflected in your result. You can also book a consultation to discuss the treatment plans and your next steps to a symptom-free life with our clinicians.
Can I claim the cost of the test on my private health insurance?
GI Cognition is in agreement with most major private insurers. A list of covered private insurance clients will be available here shortly
Can I discuss my test results with my NHS doctors or private consultants?
GI Cognition provides breath tests and physiology test service to both NHS and private hospitals. There is no reason you cannot discuss your breath test results with your doctors in either NHS or private hospitals. If your clinician would require further details or advice regarding how to use the results, our clinicians are available 24/7 all year long to assist free of charge.
Does treating my condition mean that they will not come back ever again?
This is true in most cases however, it is very important that not only the right treatments are considered, but also, the steps should be taken to eliminate the original cause(s) as much as possible too. Otherwise, it will not be a surprise to experience recurrence of symptoms.
Can food plans like FODMAP diet treat SIBO?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to control SIBO with any diet although healthy diet can help you to recover from the side effects of SIBO such as anaemia and vitamin deficiencies faster and more effectively.
Why you do not offer Hydrogen Sulphide breath test?
At the GI Cognition, we believe an effective help to patients has to be evidence-based either tests or treatments. Hydrogen Sulphide is still in its infancy and no international guideline has accepted this to be clinically valid for use unless for research. Providing this test whilst there is no internationally accepted normal ranges or meaningful values will be like selling snake oil hoping that somebody will benefit someday.
My symptoms get worse when I have dairy product or fruits. Do I still need to test?
There is often a huge overlap in the symptoms in different conditions. Whilst some symptoms appear more commonly in one or the other type of condition, there is no specific symptom for each. You would not need a test if symptom would be so specific anyway. Even when your symptoms triggered by dairy product, there is no guarantee that the symptoms are not actually due to SIBO which starts fermenting lactose in dairy product before having chance to be absorbed by your body. According to the internationally accepted HMBT guidelines, anybody considering lactose or fructose malabsorption test, must first test for SIBO. SIBO is far easier to treat and do not require a life-long avoidance of nutrients with huge side effects.
I have SIBO; do I need to test for lactose and or fructose intolerance?
The best strategy in this case will be if you treat SIBO first before considering further testing. If your symptoms do not improve sufficiently, you need a different treatment to eliminate those bacteria, or alternatively, you are suffering from lactose, fructose malabsorption or both. If you initially respond well to the treatment but in a few weeks time you notice relapse of symptoms, it is likely that you did not sufficiently treat SIBO or, you did not eliminate the original cause of SIBO that started this to begin with.
I am on a long-term antibiotic due to my heart condition or other; can I still do these tests?
Yes! If your symptoms have been with you whilst you have been on antibiotics, it is possible that some types of bacteria in your bowels have become resistant to your routine antibiotic overtime. Therefore, although that antibiotic is working for other conditions such as patients with synthetic heart valve or those who have lost their organs, they may not affect bacteria in the gut anymore and you have a normal amount of bacteria there.
Do I need to stop probiotics?
No! Literature has not confirmed whether probiotics can affect this test. Generally, if you have been on probiotics for more than 3 months and you suffer from symptoms attributed to carbohydrate malabsorption or SIBO during this time, you should continue probiotics for breath test.
Are there other tests to check for carbohydrate malabsorption or SIBO?
Yes but they are either less accurate or more costly and invasive. For instance, to detect lactose malabsorption, there is special type of blood test and genetic testing. To test SIBO, there is type of sampling that requires passing a long tube into the bowels to obtain sample from secretions there. Also, some clicnians may consider trial of antibiotic therapy without any testing which we know how risky it is to use antibiotics unfortunately.
Can I do both lactose and fructose tests together or in one day? How about with SIBO?
No! Doing breath tests in one day will affect the results and none of the tests will be valid by standards.
Are you measuring intolerance or malabsorption? What is the difference?
Carbohydrate malabsorption is when for instance lactose or fructose are not fully absorbed in the gut. Carbohydrate intolerance is when malabsorption leads to sensation of discomfort and a range of symptoms commonly attributed to malabsorption of carbohydrates such as diarrhoea, nausea, bloating, gas and abdominal cramps symptoms such as bloating, nausea etc. To be precise, we are measuring malabsorption because there is no test to measure ones symptoms! If a malabsorption test is positive in a patient suffering from relevant symptoms, then we can say the patient has carbohydrate intolerance for instance lactose intolerance.